Function Manual
1. Overview ................................................................................................1-1
1.1. HRView Overview..........................................................................................1-2
1.2. Function.........................................................................................................1-2
1.3. Ethernet Communication ...............................................................................1-3
1.4. Caution ..........................................................................................................1-3
2. HRView Installation Method..................................................................2-1
2.1. User Environment..........................................................................................2-2
2.2. Installation .....................................................................................................2-3
3. Controller Parameter Setup ..................................................................3-1
3.1. Hi3 Controller.................................................................................................3-3
3.2. Hi3TB Controller ............................................................................................3-4
3.3. Hi4a Controller...............................................................................................3-6
4. Cabling Method......................................................................................4-1
5. HRView Operating Guide ......................................................................5-1
5.1. Run and End..................................................................................................5-2
5.2. Password Input for Ethernet Access..............................................................5-3
5.3. Communication Setup and Connection .........................................................5-4
5.4. List Indication, Transfer and Deletion of Files................................................5-5
5.5. Other Functions .............................................................................................5-6
6. Etc. Setting.............................................................................................6-1
7. Transferable Files (in case of Hi4a Controller) ....................................7-1
8. Troubleshooting.....................................................................................8-1
9. Release note...........................................................................................9-1
Figure Contents
Fig 1.1 Use of HRView............................................................................................. 1-2
Fig 2.1 HRView installation screen .......................................................................... 2-3
Fig 4.1 Cabling method............................................................................................ 4-2
Fig 5.1 HRView main dialog box.............................................................................. 5-2
Fig 5.2 ID and password input dialog box................................................................ 5-3
Fig 5.3 Communication setup dialog box................................................................. 5-4
Fig 5.4 List indication, transfer and deletion of files ................................................. 5-5
Fig 6.1 Etc. setting dialog box.................................................................................. 6-2
Table Contents
Table 2-1 HRView user environment........................................................................ 2-2
Table 7-1 Transferable file types (in case of Hi4a controller) ................................... 7-2
HRView Function Manual
1. Overview
1. Overview
1. Overview
HRView Function Manual
1.1. HRView Overview
HRView is software for transmission and reception of files contained in HHI’s Hi3, Hi3TB and
Hi4 robot controllers via RS-232C cable or Ethernet to and from external PCs. Ethernet is
available only for Hi3TB.
Fig 1.1 Use of HRView
1.2. Function
This program can perform the following jobs for Hi3, Hi3TB and Hi4 robot controllers.
(1) Viewing file list(s) in the controller
(2) Storing certain file(s) of the controller in PC (backup)
(3) Retrieving certain files of PC to the controller (restore)
(4) Deleting certain files of the controller or PC
(5) Editing controller files stored in PC (calling Notepad, one of Windows utilities)
(6) Changing file format (step number, version, etc.)
HRView Function Manual
1. Overview
1.3. Ethernet Communication
Communication function through Ethernet can be used only when Ethernet interface board
(BD473), one of the options of Hi3TB robot controller is attached. (For Ethernet file
transmission and reception of Hi4 robot controller, use FTP function.)
1.4. Caution
More than two HRViews cannot be connected at the same time to the controller through
Ethernet. As long as first connected HRView remains, other HRViews cannot be connected.
Also, HRViews from two channels, RS-232C and Ethernet cannot simultaneously access to
the controller.
HRView Function Manual
2. HRView Installation Method
2. HRView Installation Method
2. HRView Installation Method
HRView Function Manual
2.1. User Environment
Table 2-1 HRView user environment
Pentium or higher compatible PC, 16MB, VGA 640x480 256 colors
and more recommended
Window 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Hi3 controller system main S/W V07.02-01 and higher can be used.
However, Ethernet is available only in Hi3TB.
Robot controller
HRView Function Manual
2. HRView Installation Method
2.2. Installation
Fig 2.1 HRView installation screen
Insert HRView disk and run setup.exe. Then, InstallShield Wizard starts.
Select language in the first dialog box. If Korean is selected, Korean HRView is installed. If
English is selected, English HRView is installed.
Continue to set installation directory and program icon directory by clicking
appropriate files are copied to the directory, and installation is completed.
. Then
HRView Function Manual
3. Controller Parameter Setup
3. Controller Parameter Setup
3. Controller Parameter Setup
HRView Function Manual
Hi3 controller has two serial ports. One is for T/P, and the other serial port #1 is for HRView.
Ethernet is not available.
Hi3TB and Hi4a robot controllers have four serial ports. Two of them can be used for HRView.
Serial port #1 in condition setup is RS-232C port attached to controller cabinet front. In case
of Hi3TB, serial port #2 is connected to RJ-45 port through Ethernet adopter. (Check the
option applied to the robot controller to be used.)
Except the following setup, additional manipulation for communication is not necessary.
Controller can be in the any mode or any manipulation status. While the motor is on and the
robot performs a job, HRView can be used. This is called “Hot Save/Load” function.
Controller performs transmission and reception internally according to HRView request signal
through Ethernet or RS-232C cable. These details are not indicated on the teach pendant
HRView Function Manual
3. Controller Parameter Setup
3.1. Hi3 Controller
(1) To use Ethernet: Ethernet is not available.
(2) For RS-232C use:
Condition setup and controller parameter should be the same as follows. The
Baudrate of the Serial Port 1 should have the same setup as HRView setup. However,
the rest of the communication options should be the same as follows.
ꢀ Constant Setup Group (1) → 『13: Serial Port』 → 『3: Serial Port 1』
*** Serial Port 1 *** A:0 S:4
Baudrate = <38400,19200,9600,4800,2400>
Character length = <7,8> bit
Stop bit
Parity bit
= <1,2> bit
= <Disable,Odd,Even>
= <Disable,Enable>
Press [Enable]+[Arrow].
ꢀ Condition Set → 『27: Serial Port 1』: Set as FileMng
*** Condition Set *** A:0 S:4
1: Mode =<1Step,1Cycle,Continuous>
2: Start=<Internal,External,Remote>
3: External program =<Disable,Enable>
4: Robot lock =<Disable,Enable>
7: Search range =[0.0]
8: Search reference Pt. record=<Off,On>
9: Speed rate=[100]
13: Rec speed type=<Standard,[%],[mm/s]>
23: Step go/back max.speed = [250]mm/s
27: Serial port #1 =<FileMng,Sens>
Press [Enable]+[Arrow].
3. Controller Parameter Setup
HRView Function Manual
3.2. Hi3TB Controller
(1) For Ethernet use:
Condition setup and controller parameter should be the same as follows. The
Baudrate of the Serial Port 2 should have the same setup as BD473 setup. However,
the rest of the communication options should be the same as follows.
ꢀ Constant Setup Group (1) → 『13: Serial Port』 → 『4: Serial Port 2』
*** Serial Port #2 *** A:0 S:4
Baudrate = <38400,19200,9600,4800,2400>
Character length = <7,8> bit
Stop bit
Parity bit
= <1,2> bit
= <Disable,Odd,Even>
= <Disable,Enable>
Press [Enable]+[Arrow].
ꢀ Condition Set → 『27: Serial Port #1』: Set as Sens
ꢀ Condition Set → 『33: Serial Port #2』: Set as FileMng
*** Condition Set *** A:0 S:4
*** Condition Set *** A:0 S:4
1: Mode =<1Step,1Cycle,Continuous>
2: Start=<Internal,External,Remote>
3: External program =<Disable,Enable>
4: Robot lock =<Disable,Enable>
5: Conveyor Oper=<Normal,Simulat.,Test>
7: Search range =[0.0]
29: User coordinate = [ 0]
30: Gun search Ref.point record=<Off,On>
31: Spot welding
33: Serial port#2 =<FileMng,Sens,BD480>
34: Base of interpolation=<R-tool,S-tool>
8: Search reference Pt. record=<Off,On>
9: Speed rate=[100]
13: Rec speed type=<Standard,[%],[mm/s]>
23: Step go/back max.speed = [250]mm/s
27: Serial port #1 =<FileMng,Sens>
Press [Enable]+[Arrow].
Press [Enable]+[Arrow].
HRView Function Manual
3. Controller Parameter Setup
(2) To use RS-232C:
Condition setup and controller parameter should be the same as follows. The
Baudrate of the Serial Port 2 should have the same setup as BD473 setup. However,
the rest of the communication options should be the same as follows.
When both 『27: Serial Port 1』 and 『33: Serial Port 2』 are set as “FileMng,”
Serial Port 1 has a priority, and HRView communication can be done only with Serial
Port 1.
The Baudrate of the Serial Port 1 should have the same setup as HRView setup.
However, the rest of the communication options should be the same as follows.
ꢀ Constant Setup Group (1) → 『13: Serial Port』 → 『3: Serial Port 1』
*** Serial Port 1 *** A:0 S:4
Baudrate = <38400,19200,9600,4800,2400>
Character length = <7,8> bit
Stop bit
Parity bit
= <1,2> bit
= <Disable,Odd,Even>
= <Disable,Enable>
Press [Enable]+[Arrow].
ꢀ Condition Set → 『27: Serial Prot #1』: Set as FileMng
*** Condition Set *** A:0 S:4
1: Mode =<1Step,1Cycle,Continuous>
2: Start=<Internal,External,Remote>
3: External program =<Disable,Enable>
4: Robot lock =<Disable,Enable>
5: Conveyor Oper=<Normal,Simulat.,Test>
7: Search range =[0.0]
8: Search reference Pt. record=<Off,On>
9: Speed rate=[100]
13: Rec speed type=<Standard,[%],[mm/s]>
23: Step go/back max.speed = [250]mm/s
27: Serial port #1 =<FileMng,Sens>
Press [Enable]+[Arrow].
3. Controller Parameter Setup
HRView Function Manual
3.3. Hi4a Controller
Hi4 controller has the same function as Hi3TB. However, rapid Baudrate speeds are added
and screen structure is different.
(1) For Ethernet use:
Use FTP function for Ethernet file transmission/reception.
(2) For RS-232C use:
Condition setup and constant setup should be the same as follows. When both
『Serial Port 1』 and 『Serial Port 2』 are set as “FileMng,” Serial Port 1 has a
priority, and HRView communication can be done only with Serial Port 1.
The Baudrate of the Serial Port 1 should have the same setup as HRView setup.
However, the rest of the options should be the same as follows.
ꢀ 『[PF2]: System』 → 『2: Controller Parameter』 → 『2: Serial ports』 → 『3:
Serial port #1 (CNSIO)』
08:09:05 *** Serial port#1 *** A:0 S:4
Baudrate = <-,19200,38400,57600,115200>
Character length = <7,8> bit
Stop bit
Parity bit
= <1,2> bit
= < Disable,Odd,Even >
= < Disable,Enable >
Serial port usage = <FileMng,Sens,LVS >
Press [SHIFT]+[<-][->] Key.
HRView Function Manual
3. Controller Parameter Setup
ꢀ 『[PF2]: System』 → 『2: Controller Parameter』 → 『2: Serial ports』 → 『4:
Serial Port #2 (OPSIO)』
08:09:05 *** Serial port#2 *** A:0 S:4
Baudrate = <-,19200,38400,57600,115200>
Character length = <7,8> bit
Stop bit
Parity bit
= <1,2> bit
= < Disable,Odd,Even >
= < Disable,Enable >
Serial port usage = < FileMng,Sens,LVS >
Press [SHIFT]+[<-][->] Key.
HRView Function Manual
4. Cabling Method
4. Cabling Method
4. Cabling Method
HRView Function Manual
(1) RS-232C Cable
RS-232C cable connection is as follows.
25pin - 25pin
25pin - 9pin
RS-232C Cable
RS-232C Cable
Hi3, Hi3TB, Hi4
serial port#1
Hi3, Hi3TB, Hi4
serial port#1
Serial port
Serial port
9pin - 9pin
RS-232C Cable
Hi3, Hi3TB, Hi4
Controller mainboard
CNSIO port
Serial port
Fig 4.1 Cabling method
Connect connectors at the both ends of the cable to available PC serial port and to
serial port #1 of controller cabinet, respectively.
(2) Ethernet TP (Twisted Pair) cable
If the controller should be connected to the hub, use the cable that TX-RX is not
twisted. If the controller should be connected directly to a PC, use the cable that
TX-RX is twisted.
HRView Function Manual
5. HRView Operating Guide
5. HRView Operating Guide
5. HRView Operating Guide
HRView Function Manual
5.1. Run and End
Double-click the HRView icon on the desktop or select HRView after clicking Start button.
Then, the following window appears. Drag the corners with the mouse to adjust the window
Fig 5.1 HRView main dialog box
to end.
HRView Function Manual
5. HRView Operating Guide
5.2. Password Input for Ethernet Access
If last communication setup was Ethernet, an ID and password input dialog box will appear.
This process is for authentication to access the controller of the IP address shown in the
dialog box. To access the controller of the IP address, input ID and password, and click OK
button. Then, the controller will be connected and HRView will start.
If the controller in the dialog box is not the right one, click Cancel button. Then, HRView will
start, but the controller will not be connected.
Fig 5.2 ID and password input dialog box
5. HRView Operating Guide
HRView Function Manual
5.3. Communication Setup and Connection
, and communication setup dialog box will appear.
Fig 5.3 Communication setup dialog box
① Click
to control the connection status. If this button is pressed, this
means connected status. If not, this means disconnected status.
② As to RS-232C, set each communication parameter (it should be the same as that of
the controller) on the left in the disconnected status, click button, and
click to end. Cable should be connected to the communication port.
③ As to Ethernet, enter IP address and port number in the disconnected status, click
button, and click to end. IP addresses and port numbers of
many controllers can be managed by using list box,
HRView Function Manual
5. HRView Operating Guide
5.4. List Indication, Transfer and Deletion of Files
Fig 5.4 List indication, transfer and deletion of files
① Click
on the left. Then, a file list of the controller is transferred.
② To store one file in PC, click the file with the left button of mouse in the controller list
box, and click
. When transfer is completed, a message box appears. To select
several files, click files with
③ To transfer one file to the controller, click the file in the PC list box, and click
When transfer is completed, a message box appears.
④ To delete files from the controller list box, select files and click
on the left. To
delete files from the PC list box, select files and click
on the right.
5. HRView Operating Guide
HRView Function Manual
5.5. Other Functions
① Select a file in the PC list box, and click
to edit the file in a Notepad format.
(Text file only)
② Select a file in the PC list box, and click
to rename the file.
③ Select program files in the PC list box, and click
(Step On) to number all steps of
the files. If the files are already numbered, the files are re-numbered. Click
Off) to remove the numbers of all steps.
(Step number is useful for review/editing of files with Notepad. When steps are
inserted in the files through typing or cut and paste, it is difficult to re-adjust step
numbers one by one. In this case, click
steps conveniently.
in that order to re-number the
Also, some controller versions sometimes have syntax errors when a file is
transferred to the controller due to step number. In this case, remove the step by
button, and try again.)
④ Click
, and then a folder search dialog box appears. You can select a folder in
the PC list box. Also, you can drag the folder icon from the Windows Explorer to
HRView window.
⑤ Click headers of the list box such as name, size and date to organize the file list in
order of the selected header.
⑥ Double click a directory of the list box to move to the selected directory.
⑦ Click
the file list.
to move to the parent directory in the PC list box. Or, double click
HRView Function Manual
5. HRView Operating Guide
⑧ Click
to create a new directory in the PC list box.
⑨ Select program files in the PC list box, and click
. Then, the files are changed from
version 1.0 to version 1.5. Click
to version 1.0.
, and then the files are changed from version 1.5
(Hi3 controller mv6.09-11 and less versions use program file version 1.0. Hi3
controller’s higher version and Hi3-TB, Hi4a controllers use program file version 1.5
and version 1.0.
Only program file version 1.5 can be uploaded from HR OLP Package and Hi4a OLP
HRView Function Manual
6. Etc. Setting
6. Etc. Setting
6. Etc. Setting
HRView Function Manual
Select 『Setting → Etc』 menu, and then an other setup dialog box appears. Enter
necessary setup, and click OK.
Fig 6.1 Etc. setting dialog box
① Update file List after send
This check box determines whether to renew a file list of the controller list box after
transferring a file to the controller.
② Unify filenames
This check box determines whether to reflect the same file name on the other file
name edit box when a file name of the controller or PC list box is clicked.
③ Confirm before delete file
This check box determines whether to allow a dialog box to ask yes or no when
“Delete” button is clicked.
④ Confirm before overwrite file
This check box determines whether to allow a dialog box to ask yes or no regarding
rewriting file name, if there is the same file name after file transfer.
⑤ Auto-refresh of file list
Ethernet interface board(BD473) automatically disconnects HRView, if no
communication occurs for three minutes. To prevent this, HRView automatically
request the controller’s file list again after a while. This option allows setting a
HRView Function Manual
6. Etc. Setting
re-search time interval. Two minutes and thirty seconds (150 seconds) is appropriate.
⑥ Close coercively
HRView automatically disconnects Ethernet interface board (BD473) after some time.
This option allows setting disconnection time.
HRView Function Manual
7. Transferable Files (in case of Hi4a Controller)
7. Transferable Files (in case of Hi4a Controller)
7. Transferable Files (in case of Hi4a Controller)
HRView Function Manual
Table 7-1 Transferable file types (in case of Hi4a controller)
File Type
Filename Extension
Transferable Direction
5.0 program file
6.0 program file
C00 / C01 / CM0
E01 / S01
Controller / Robot parameter file
/ Module Robot File
(Hi4a only)
Error / Stop history file
Operation history file
IO Name file
Global pose file
Global shift file
Local pose file
Local shift file
Arc welding condition files
AS2, AE2, AX2
WV2, WL2
Welding condition file
(Hi4a only)
Fieldbus setup file
Palletize file (Hi4a only)
Ladder diagram file (Hi4a only)
HRView Function Manual
7. Transferable Files (in case of Hi4a Controller)
ꢁ Stored format by HRView is the same as stored format by PC-card. In other words,
Files transferred to PC via HRView can be re-stored in the controller via PC-card.
ꢁ If moves that are not supported are performed, a message 『File name is not
pertinent』 appears on HRView.
ꢁ As to old version controller, some file types cannot be transferred according to the
HRView Function Manual
8. Troubleshooting
8. Troubleshooting
8. Troubleshooting
HRView Function Manual
(1) If connection is not done in the communication setup dialog box,
① Check if setup such as port or speed is appropriate and if the setup is the same
as controller setup.
② Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to check the program manager dialog box to see if more than
one HRView is running. If so, remove other HRViews.
(2) If all type of communication such as receiving file list or transfering files,
① Check communication setup of PC and controller respectively.
② Check condition setup of controller.
③ Turn off both controller and HRView program, and turn them on. Then, try again.
④ Some PC has a COM port usage option in BIOS setup. Check it.
⑤ Check if communication cable has a problem.
⑥ If Ethernet is used, check IP address and port number.
(3) If communication fails after control integer file (C00) is transferred to controller,
In case of some controller version, when controller parameter file (C00) load is
completed, RS-232C communication setup of the controller parameter file is applied
to controller immediately. If this setup value is different from the current
communication setup, communication error occurs. Therefore, communication setup
of controller or HRView should be reset according to the other.
HRView Function Manual
9. Release note
9. Release note
9.Release note
HRView Function Manual
1. version 1.0 (First release version)
2. version 1.1
- 1999.06.
- 1999.07.
(1) Load completion protocol upgrade: Load error detection of a single packet
(2) File list directory item sort upgrade
(3) File list renewal option (after transfer) added
(4) Multiple files transfer function added
(5) Transfer result message upgrade
(6) Conveyor sync reflected on encoder value grammar check
3. version 1.11
- 1999.07.23
(1) After load fails due to incorrect external file format, correct file load also failed: The
problem solved.
(2) Minimize button added in dialog box
4. version 1.15
(1) Multiple languages support system (Language selection in registry)
(2) English version function added
5. version 1.16
- 1999.08.26
(1) RS-232C connection manual error corrected (Replaced with figure illustration)
(2) When large font is set on the window, characters of some buttons are indicated in a
new line: Replaced by icon buttons.
(3) Automatic scroll on the lower end monitor.
(4) Double click on .. on the list control does not allow moving to C:\ or D:\ : The problem
6. version 1.17
- 2000.01.31
(1) Quick move function added. Move to the previous directory when a program is
operated. (Directory name stored in registry)
(2) RENAME function implemented
(3) The term 'Recommended' in other options changed to ‘Default'
HRView Function Manual
9. Release note
7. version 1.18
- 2000.02.18
(1) Program operated in the previous setup environment such as communication and
other setup (stored in registry)
(2) When multiple files were transferred or deleted, an error occurred. Every time, users
had to click OK on the message box. The error message is outputted on the lower
end monitor and output form is reorganized.
(3) Message box appears only once after the entire file transfers. In the message box,
each number of successful and failed transfers.
(4) When a cursor was moved in a file list box, file name edit box was not renewed
accordingly: The problem solved.
8. version 1.24
- 2000.07.12
(1) Communication speed improved more than six times by optimizing timeout
parameter of RS-232C communication.
(2) Communication port 1 and 2 support extended to port 1, 2, 3 and 4.
(3) Step ON and OFF buttons added for step number addition/deletion.
9. version 1.28
- 2000.11.17
(1) Program file grammar tested by Format Version 1.5 (Compatible with lower version:
Version 1.0 is also available.)
(2) Some strings in the main dialog boxes were in English even after Korean installation:
The problem solved.
(3) Korean font in the main dialog boxes are changed from Gulim 10 to Dodeum 10.
(More sleek)
10. version 1.29
- 2000.11.21
(1) Monitoring file open button added. Monitoring details files are “monitor.txt” files and
viewed in Notepad.
(2) Monitoring sweeping button is an icon button.
11. version 1.40
- 2001.06.05
(1) Ethernet function added
(2) Communication function separated into HRView.DLL
(3) “Confirm file deleting” added to other setup
9.Release note
HRView Function Manual
(4) “Grammar check before transfer” in other setup changed to an item recommended
not to use.
(5) When details are outputted in the controller file list box, the details are arranged after
all the details are received.
(6) In the “Store” function, error messages from the controller are not outputted: The
problem solved.
12. version 1.41
- 2001.06.14
(1) Letters shown in file name edit box should be in uppercase unconditionally so that
errors are avoided due to incorrectly recognized file names.
13. version 1.46
- 2001.09.13
(1) Communication speed 57600 and 115200 added (available only in Hi4a)
(2) Six buttons including File list, Rename, Edit and Delete changed to an icon type.
Tool tip for details added.
(3) Progress bar for LOAD added
14. version 1.50
- 2001.10.09
(1) In old versions, not operated in NT series. This version distinguishes 95/98 platform
from NT platform, and applies a different RS-232C communication method to each
(2) HRView grammar check in program files deleted. Grammar check performed in the
controller during LOAD and then the result transferred to HRView.
15. version 1.51
- 2001.11.27
(1) In old versions, errors occurred due to incorrectly recognized file names when
multiple files with lowercase filename extension were retrieved from PC file list. This
version changes lowercase filename extension to uppercase when retrieving files.
(2) In old versions, icons of files with lowercase filename extension were not correctly
indicated in PC file list: The problem solved.
16. version 1.52
- 2002.01.14
(1) When saving a file in PC, rename the file after the file is successfully saved as a
temporary file. Therefore, the original file in PC remains, even though an error
HRView Function Manual
9. Release note
occurs while file transfer.
17. version 1.53
- 2002.03.13
(1) LOAD changed to Download. SAVE changed to Upload.
(2) During Upload (save), progress bar rises. However, the rising move repeats until
transfer ends, because file size is not predictable.
(3) During Upload, in case that the file already exists, if the file is read-only file, it is
considered as an error. Otherwise, a dialog box asks whether to rewrite the file.
18. version 1.55
- 2002.03.19
(1) During Download, in case that the file already exists, a dialog box asks whether to
rewrite the file. (This function is activated only in Hi3-TB 7.05.01, Hi4a 10.00-16 and
higher version.)
(2) Communication failure message supplemented (Check list)
(3) Caution: Not compatible with the existing HRView.DLL versions.
19. version 1.57
- 2002.05.30
(1) When transfer fails, tries two more times.
(2) Move button to a parent directory added
(3) Directory creation button added
(4) HRView.dll version check function added to HELP menu.
Current HRView.dll is v1.20 build 0001.
HRView.dll of the previous versions has no version.
20. version 1.60
- 2002.06.17
(1) Button names changed: Download -> To Controller, Upload -> To PC
(2) Direct editing in the directory edit box of PC. (Clip board-paste available)
(After editing, press [Search again] to reflect the changes.)
(3) Dialog box size change and maximizing available. (Minimum size is limited to
(4) Step number On/Off function is available for multiple files.
(5) Program file conversion function added (from v1.5 to v1.0)
21. version 1.63
- 2002.06.25
9.Release note
HRView Function Manual
(1) When file transfer to PC failed, the beginning and end parts of next file were cut, and
the message said “Success.”: The problem solved.
(2) When forced to end by end button during transfer, transfer was not canceled
properly: The problem solved.
(3) Folder was not created under drive route: The problem solved.
(4) When several files are transferred to PC, the file names appear in the list box one by
one after file transfer is completed.
(5) Folders can be dragged from Windows Explorer and dropped to other folder.
22. version 1.64
- 2002.07.10
(1) Program file conversion function from v1.5 to v1.0 added (For Dynalog)
(2) English mode bug solved
(3) Win95 OS recognition error solved
(4) File icon design change. TBL file icon added.
23. version 1.64 build 0002
- 2002.08.21
(1) HRView.DLL ver 1.25 build 0002
a) When a long string with more than 600 characters is transferred, this is
considered as an error. (In old versions, more than 456 characters caused
program error.)
24. version 1.64 build 0003
- 2002.09.13
(1) Arc file icon is applied to newly added AS2, AE2, AX2, WV2 and WL2 files.
(2) HRView.DLL ver 1.25 build 0003
a) After English installation, letters in the communication setup dialog box were
Korean: The problem solved.
(3) When C01 files were transferred to PC, unnecessary dialog box messages
appeared: The problem solved.
25. version 1.64 build 0004
- 2002.12.30
(1) monitor.txt is added to newly created WM_HRVIEW_OPEN_MON message handling.
(For Visual Basic)
26. HRView.DLL ver 1.27 build 0001
- 2003.01.17
HRView Function Manual
9. Release note
(1) When some files such as fbu are copied to PC, \r is added to the first character of
some strings. The strings have problems, when copied to Notepad.
27. version 1.64 build 0005
- 2003.12.23
(1) Korean characters in dialog boxes were broken: The problem solved.
28. HRView.DLL ver 1.31 build 0001
- 2003.12.23
(1) In WinNT/2000/XP, serial communication occupied almost all CPU after serial
communication is open: The problem solved.
(2) COM4~COM8 added. COM selection U/I changed to a dropdown list box.
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